by Dr. Daniel Baruffi | Mar 20, 2019 | Blog
We’ve talked about several advanced ways to address the symptoms of dry eye disease, from Lipiflow to specialty contact lenses. One treatment option that you may see advertised on television is prescription eye drops, such as Restasis or Xiidra, that may be used for...
by Dr. Daniel Baruffi | Feb 6, 2019 | Blog
Many people wonder: can you wear contact lenses if you have dry eye disease? While contact lenses may not directly cause symptoms of dry eyes, many contact lens wearers have experienced a worsening of their symptoms. Dryness caused by contact lenses can mean lenses...
by Dr. Daniel Baruffi | Jan 8, 2019 | Blog
Lipiflow is one of the newest treatment options for the leading cause of dry eye disease. This in-office procedure is effective, safe, and painless. By addressing the root cause of dry eye disease, Lipiflow improves symptoms and provides long term relief of ocular...