Does Amblyopia Cause Double Vision?

Does Amblyopia Cause Double Vision?

Amblyopia, commonly referred to as “lazy eye,” is a vision disorder that typically develops during childhood and can affect visual acuity in one or both eyes. Among the concerns associated with amblyopia, the question of whether it causes double vision...
The Role of Vision Therapy in Treating Amblyopia

The Role of Vision Therapy in Treating Amblyopia

Vision therapy is a specialized branch of optometry that focuses on training the eyes, eye muscles, and brain to develop and improve vision, eye movements, and perception. While it serves various purposes, one notable application of vision therapy is in the treatment...
Protect Your Children from Lazy Eye and Amblyopia

Protect Your Children from Lazy Eye and Amblyopia

Amblyopia is a condition that arises during visual development that can negatively and permanently affect vision.  It is commonly referred to as a “lazy eye,” and causes reduced vision in one eye that cannot be corrected with glasses, contact lenses, or surgery.  It...