Exclusive Trunk Show Features

Curated Designer Collections

Explore specially curated eyewear from world-renowned designers available exclusively during our trunk show.

Signature Eyewear Pieces

Get a first look at signature pieces that combine style and sophistication, only available at our event.

Special Event Discounts

Enjoy exclusive discounts on select eyewear during the trunk show. Perfect opportunity to upgrade your style!

Free Sunglasses Giveaway

Don’t miss out on our free sunglasses giveaway! A perfect addition to your summer essentials, available only while supplies last.

Secure Your Spot at Our Exclusive Trunk Show!

Looking for a chance to win a stylish pair of Ray-Ban sunglasses? Join us at Wilmington Family Eye Care’s exclusive trunk show and enter our free sunglasses giveaway! Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to explore our curated designer collections, discover signature eyewear pieces, and enjoy exclusive event discounts.