What Does Herpes in the Eye Feel Like?

What Does Herpes in the Eye Feel Like?

Understanding What Does Herpes in the Eye Feel Like Whenever you have a red or irritated eye, it can be difficult to distinguish between harmless problems like allergies or pink eye and more serious conditions like a bacterial infection or herpes infection. Knowing...
Is Light Sensitivity a Sign of Eye Inflammation?

Is Light Sensitivity a Sign of Eye Inflammation?

Light sensitivity, also known as photophobia, is a condition where individuals experience discomfort or pain in response to light stimuli. While it can occur for various reasons, one common cause is eye inflammation. In this blog, we will delve into the relationship...
Options in Treating Herpetic Eye Infections

Options in Treating Herpetic Eye Infections

When it comes to treating a herpetic eye infection caused by a herpes virus, there are several options available. The two common types of herpetic eye infections are herpes simplex and varicella zoster. Treatment for these infections typically involves a combination...